
Dr. Sarah M. Bexell is a Research Associate Professor in the Institute for Human- Animal Connection at the University of Denver. She is also Director of Education at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan Province, China. Sarah earned a BA in Biology and Enviromental Studies from Augustana College, an MA in Biological Anthropology from Northern Illinois University, an MEd in Science Education and a PhD in Early Childhood Education from Georgia State University.
Dr. Rick A. Adams is a Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology as well as a Bioeducator in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley. He is also founder and president of the Colorado Bat Society. Rick earned his BA, MA, and PhD from the University of Colorado-Boulder. He was faculty at California State University-Stanislaus, then at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, before returning to Colorado.

Contact: sarah@rewildingthemind.org

Contact: rick@rewildingthemind.org